SU Outing Club Listserv

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SUOC has university listservs for club-related announcements. You may subscribe or unsubscribe to any of our lists (SUOC, CAVING, SUOCALUMNI). To subscribe or unsubscribe you may follow the directions for the university listservs at

Alternatively, follow these simple instructions from the email account with which you wish to receive email from the lists.


To subscribe to any of our lists (SUOC, SUOCALUMNI, CAVING), send the following email with the appropriate list names and your first and last name on each line to You may send each list subscription request in a separate email. You must send this message from the email account to which you wish to receive the emails from the list.

             Cc      :
             Subject :
             ----- Message Text -----
             Subscribe SUOC         FirstName LastName
             Subscribe SUOCALUMNI   FirstName LastName
             Subscribe CAVING       FirstName LastName

You will get a message back asking you to confirm your subscription (note: this might end up in your spam or junk mail folder). You will need to click the link in this email to confirm that you do indeed wish to subscribe. Alternatively, you can hit ‘reply’ to this message and then click ‘send’ (no need to delete or modify the response email), and this will also confirm your subscription in a slightly safer manner.


If at any time you wish to unsubscribe from any of our lists (SUOC, SUOCALUMNI, CAVING, SUOCBIKE, SUOCSUMMER), send the following email with the appropriate list names to You must send this message from the email account to which you are currently receiving emails from the list (i.e., the one from which you subscribed).

             Cc      :
             Subject :
             ----- Message Text -----
             Unsubscribe SUOC
             Unsubscribe SUOCALUMNI
             Unsubscribe CAVING

Posting a message:

To post a message, just email it to one of


and it will be distributed to all members of the list. DO NOT send it to or—those addresses are just the regular email addresses for the club.

Please try to restrict your postings to those which are of general interest—we don’t want to clutter up people’s mailboxes with things like a debate over Decker’s mom or Spanky’s mom is hotter.


If you have problems, please contact